Wellness Ebooks

Find the very best books about wellness right here. Everand’s extensive collection of wellness ebooks explore and explain wellness issues like fitness and nutrition to help us feel good, look good, and take good care of our bodies and minds. Get helpful tips for boosting your wellness, self care, and overall healthy habits!

Find the very best books about wellness right here. Everand’s extensive collection of wellness ebooks explore and explain wellness issues like fitness and nutrition to help us feel good, look good, and take good care of our bodies and minds. Get helpful tips for boosting your wellness, self care, and overall healthy habits!


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy ebooks you don't want to miss.
Dear Future Mama: A TMI Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood from Your Bestie
Dear Future Mama: A TMI Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood from Your Bestie
Dear Future Mama: A TMI Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood from Your Bestie
Dear Future Mama: A TMI Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood from Your Bestie

Dear Future Mama: A TMI Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Motherhood from Your Bestie

byMeghan Trainor

The real talk you want about pregnancy, birth, body image, and the newborn days from Meghan Trainor, the chart-topping singer-songwriter behind "All About That Bass" and "Dear Future Husband," and, more importantly, Riley's mom.  Meghan Trainor has wanted to be a mom since before she even knew how babies were made. From the moment she discovered she was pregnant with her first child--her son, Riley--she was fascinated by the entire experience. Yes, pregnancy and motherhood are miracles--but even a miracle can freak you out sometimes. Everyone has an opinion on what an expectant mother should feel, think, or do during her pregnancy, and it's hard not to feel overwhelmed with app notifications, well-meaning questions, and unsolicited advice that comes from friends, family, and perfect strangers. Dear Future Mama is a heartfelt and humorous guide for expectant mamas inspired by Meghan's own journey into motherhood and expert insights from Meghan's own personal trainer, registered dietitian, husband, and ob-gyn. No shame, no judgment--just straight talk (and laughs) from a bestie who's been there, including a TMI guide to the good, bad, and WTF of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth advice about everything from ovulation apps to random hair growth Meghan's personal stories about body image, mental health, and navigating her career path as a new mother permission to find the right path for you--ignoring the judgment of others and freeing yourself from the shifting standards of motherhood Dear Future Mama offers future mamas a place to relax, laugh out loud, and get the pep talk they need to know that they are absolutely not alone.

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About Wellness

As a human being on this earth, there are certain books that should be required reading. Some of these essentials are centered on the topics of wellness and can be literally life-transforming in the way we live our lives and feel mentally, physically, and spiritually. You can look and feel your best with the help of the very best wellness ebooks and advice for your wellbeing. From the health benefits of gratitude, what you can eat to optimize your gut health, and the easiest ways to incorporate more movement in your life, ebooks on wellness explore all of the ways we can take care of ourselves. You’ll find the best nutrition books for weight loss, the best fitness books, and overall health and fitness ebooks. It’s all here in wellness. Wellness nonfiction offers you inspiration and ideas for improving your confidence, calming your anxiety, and making time for the things that help you feel good. Check out some of these bestsellers, including Men Are from Mars, Women are From Venus, The Obesity Code, The 5 Love Languages, and Honey for a Child’s Heart. Wellness books aim to help all of us understand, prioritize, and strengthen our overall health, including our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

As a human being on this earth, there are certain books that should be required reading. Some of these essentials are centered on the topics of wellness and can be literally life-transforming in the way we live our lives and feel mentally, physically, and spiritually. You can look and feel your best with the help of the very best wellness ebooks and advice for your wellbeing. From the health benefits of gratitude, what you can eat to optimize your gut health, and the easiest ways to incorporate more movement in your life, ebooks on wellness explore all of the ways we can take care of ourselves. You’ll find the best nutrition books for weight loss, the best fitness books, and overall health and fitness ebooks. It’s all here in wellness. Wellness nonfiction offers you inspiration and ideas for improving your confidence, calming your anxiety, and making time for the things that help you feel good. Check out some of these bestsellers, including Men Are from Mars, Women are From Venus, The Obesity Code, The 5 Love Languages, and Honey for a Child’s Heart. Wellness books aim to help all of us understand, prioritize, and strengthen our overall health, including our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.